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Journey’s End

    Cross Pollinate Productions in association with Norton Crumlin and Associates, present, JOURNEY’S END, by R.C. Sheriff, at the ATYP Studio, Wharf 4, Hickson Road, Walsh Bay, 15 – 22 October. Last year the Sydney Theatre and Music companies gave respect to the Centenary of the tragic events of Gallipoli Cove, during World War I, that has become the ANZAC tradition, with Commemorative performances. That terrible war began in August, 1914 and continued through to November, 1918. So, it is more than fitting that in 2016, we should be reminded that those commemorations of last year are just as…

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Platonov (adapted by Anthony Skuse)

  Mophead, Catnip Productions and ATYP Selects present PLATONOV, written by Anton Chekhov, adapted by Anthony Skuse, at ATYP Studio, Wharf 4, Hickson Rd, Walsh Bay. 5 Nov – 22 Nov. PLATONOV, is the earliest extant play of the great Russian short story writer and playwright, Anton Chekhov. From Donald Rayfield’s ANTON CHEKHOV – A LIFE: Anton published nothing in spring 1881: perhaps he was writing his first surviving play, a monstrous melodrama usually known by the name of its main protagonist, Platonov (other titles: FATHERLESS; THE PLAY WITHOUT A TITLE). Misha (a brother of Chekhov) recalled copying out the…

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Photo by Tracey Schramm Australian Theatre for Young People (atyp) present SUGARLAND in the ATYP Studio, Wharf 4, Hickson Rd. Walsh Bay. 27th August – 13 September. SUGARLAND is a new Australian play, written by Rachael Coopes and Wayne Blair. Directed by Fraser Corfield and David Page. In 2011, ATYP began a series of residences in the town of Katherine in the Northern Territory. Over the following two years, playwrights Rachael Coopes and Wayne Blair spent two months in this unique place. The aim was to create a story that would allow people around the country to gain a personal…

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