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The Little Dog Laughed

Photo by Photo Bob Seary New Theatre presents, THE LITTLE DOG LAUGHED, by Douglas Carter Beane, at the New Theatre, King St, Newtown. 7 February – 4 March. THE LITTLE DOG LAUGHED, by American writer, Douglas Carter Beane, has had a previous outing at the Ensemble Theatre in 2009. The play had been nominated in 2006 for a Tony Award, in New York, and, I, based on the Ensemble production that I saw, could not understand why. It appeared to be one of those New Yorkie glib ‘homosexual’ plays about the cliche shallowness of being ‘gay’ and of the cliched ugly…

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The Temperamentals

  New Theatre presents THE TEMPERAMENTALS by Jon Marans at the New Theatre, Newtown. I have been, of late, busy creating. Hence, the slow list of Diary entries. One of these activities has been my direction of THE TEMPERAMENTALS by Jon Marans for the New Theatre as part of the Mardi Gras theatre program. The other has been work on Gao Xingjjian’s wonderful play, THE OTHER SHORE, for the School of Art and Media at the University of New South Wales. I am genuinely pleased about the experience of THE TEMPERAMENTALS and particularly proud of the work of the actors…

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