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Platonov (adapted by Anthony Skuse)

  Mophead, Catnip Productions and ATYP Selects present PLATONOV, written by Anton Chekhov, adapted by Anthony Skuse, at ATYP Studio, Wharf 4, Hickson Rd, Walsh Bay. 5 Nov – 22 Nov. PLATONOV, is the earliest extant play of the great Russian short story writer and playwright, Anton Chekhov. From Donald Rayfield’s ANTON CHEKHOV – A LIFE: Anton published nothing in spring 1881: perhaps he was writing his first surviving play, a monstrous melodrama usually known by the name of its main protagonist, Platonov (other titles: FATHERLESS; THE PLAY WITHOUT A TITLE). Misha (a brother of Chekhov) recalled copying out the…

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Can You See Me? Theatre present NIGHTBOOK in the Studio at the Sydney Opera House. Can You See Me? Theatre is a company of actors with cerebral palsy working with some able bodied actors under the Artistic Direction of Kylie Harris and Chrissie Koltai. NIGHTBOOK is a physical realisation of the dreamscapes of the participants: Georgia Cooper, David Ellis, Christopher Leonard, Ian Mitchell, Robert Mockler, Virginia Redenbach, Gavin Ryan, Glen Turnbull and Sarah Wood. In parts of NIGHTBOOK, for instance, Sarah yearns for a holiday in Fiji, Glenn rejects his lover, Robbie is in a nightmare and survives to live…

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Truck Stop

TRUCK STOP by Lachlan Philpott was commissioned by the Q Theatre Company, Penrith, and the play is inspired by an incident that occurred at a NSW high school. Katrina Douglas, the producer for the Q Theatre Company and Director of this production: “While the initial incident that inspired the play did not occur in Western Sydney, TRUCK STOP is very much a Penrith story. Working with a dramaturge Francesca Smith and myself, Lachlan researched and developed TRUCK STOP over a ten month period in collaboration with the Penrith and Blue Mountains communities. He combined his intimate knowledge of school communities…

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Arts Radar in association with B Sharp presents A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM by William Shakespeare in the Belvoir St Downstairs Theatre. In his program notes Eamon Flack says he “suspects there’s a production of [A Midsummer Night’s Dream] in Sydney every few months”. It is in fact, for me, the fourth production that I have seen this year. In all my theatre going life it may be the Shakespearean play that I have seen most often. In the case of this production Mr Flack and his company of fellow artists set themselves “the task….. to try to shrink the play’s…

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