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Merciless Gods

Photo by Sarah Walker Little Ones Theatre and Griffin Independent present, MERCILESS GODS, by Dan Giovannoni, based on the book, Merciless Gods, by Christos Tsiolkas, at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross, 1 – 25 November. ‘Little Ones is a Melbourne queer theatre collective, formed by Stephen Nicolazzo, which creates camp, kitsch, and erotically charged theatrical events with the potential of cultish fascination. It can be bold, risqué and nearly always comic, subverting classical theatre conventions through design, style and performances.’ – from the program notes. I remember, particularly, their production of PSYCHO BEACH PARTY, and have heard, for instance,…

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Cut Snake

Photo by John Feely Arthur and Tamarama Rock Surfers presents CUT SNAKE by Amelia Evans, Dan Giovannoni and Paige Rattray at the Bondi Pavilion, Bondi Beach. CUT SNAKE comes from a team of three writers: Amelia Evans (LYREBIRD), Dan Giovannoni (WRECKING) and Paige Rattray. Ms Rattray directs Julia Billington (Bob), Charlie Davies (Kiki Corriander) and Kevin Kiernan-Molloy (Jumper). Entering through a tunnel of hung squares of varying patterns and variegated colours of fabrics, sewn together, tent like, festooned with little flags and other electrical bunting, the usual big space of the Bondi Pavilion has been curtained into a smaller focused…

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  Tamarama Rock Surfers and Fat Boy Dancing present WRECKING by Dan Giovannoni at the Old Fitzroy Theatre. WRECKING by Dan Giovannoni is a new Australian play that deals with two groups of people, from widely different social opportunities, living next to each other in the same approximate spaces – perhaps, somewhere like Sydney’s Wooloomooloo (the play was inspired by a true event). A dentist, Miles (Matt Hopkins) and his civic-minded wife, Alana (Kimberly Hews) are living in a renovated terrace, and nearby are two ‘floating’ lost souls living on the streets, Ned (Paul Blenheim) and Lexie (Amanda McGregor), who…

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