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Three years in the making (not very long, really) Opera Australia (OA) commissioned a new work with Music by Australian Composer, Elena Kats-Chernin, with a Libretto by Australian Playwright, Justin Fleming, focusing on the life of an iconic Australian painter, Brett Whitely. Whitely, in life, was a controversial figure. He is, still, a controversial figure. His art however, has grown more and more powerful as time as moved on. Born in 1932, he died young at the age of 53. The death as a result of a drug overdose. Whitely had become in 1985 an incurable addict. The Opera Australia…

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The Misanthrope

Photo by Brett Boardman Bell Shakespeare in association with Griffin Theatre Company present THE MISANTHROPE, by Moliere. A new version by Justin Fleming. In The Playhouse, at the Sydney Opera House. 28th August – 28th September. Justin Fleming has created a new, Australian version of Moliere’s LE MISANTHROPE. Lee Lewis has Directed it. This is the fourth Translation/Adadptation of a Moliere play that we have seen from Mr Fleming: TARTUFFE or THE HYPOCRITE, THE SCHOOL FOR WIVES and THE LITERATI – and there is another one coming next year, THE MISER, with John Bell. Lee Lewis has Directed three of these works. Peter Evans,…

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  Leigh Warren and Dancers presents SEVEN at the Parade Theatres, Sydney. “Leigh Warren is a choreographer and Artistic Director of multi award winning contemporary dance company Leigh Warren & Dancers.” Mr Warren in his program note writes of his work SEVEN: “Working with writers has been very rewarding and brought a fresh new impetus to both the creation and performance of this piece. While the narrative of Snow White has provided the framework for the choreography, it is the personalities of the dwarfs, their relationships, their points of view and how they relate to one another in this extreme…

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