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Little Mercy

  Sydney Theatre Company presents LITTLE MERCY by Sisters Grimm. Created by Ash Flanders and Declan Greene at the Sydney Theatre Company in the Wharf 2 Theatre. You know, I had packed away my Mardi Gras costumes and make-up kit after the CLUB KOOKY PARTY down there at the Wharf restaurant and bar on the Recovery Sunday, after the Parade Night. A good time had by all, by all accounts. Too soon, brothers and sisters! Haul them out again, for, it seems it is still going on down there. The ‘gay’ persona mashes, smashes into the mainstream spaces … well,…

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Between Two Waves

 Rachel Gordon, Ian Meadows & Ash Ricardo – Photo by Brett Boardman Griffin Theatre Company presents the World Premiere of BETWEEN TWO WAVES by Ian Meadows at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross. A passionate Climate Studies scientist, Daniel (Ian Meadows) takes a role in a government department in an attempt to help persuade the same government policy makers to be more aware and more realistic about the probable state of the world’s climate future, both near,and far, in time: The carbon dioxide traps the heat. When the temperature rises two degrees we lose the Arctic sea ice, then West…

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The Sea Project

Meredith Penman and Iain Sinclair – Photography by John Feely ARTHUR and Griffin Independent present THE SEA PROJECT by Elise Hearst at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross. THE SEA PROJECT is the second play by Elise Hearst that I have seen. The first was DIRTYLAND and it was produced by the same artistic team, ARTHUR – (at least, Director Paige Rattray; Designer, David Fleischer; Lighting Designer, Ross Graham), but at the New Theatre under THE SPARE ROOM project initiated by that company (now, already, sadly, a little defunct). THE SEA PROJECT, like DIRTYLAND, deals with the middle European emigration story,…

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Under Milk Wood

  Sydney Theatre Company presents UNDER MILK WOOD. A Play For Voices by Dylan Thomas at the Drama Theatre, Sydney Opera House. UNDER MILK WOOD by Dylan Thomas is A Play For Voices, commissioned by the British Broadcasting Corporation (B.B.C.), broadcast in 1954 and staged at the Edinburgh Festival in 1956 (later, that year at the New (now Albery) Theatre, London). A film was made in 1971 starring Richard Burton and Peter O’Toole – Screenplay by Andrew Sinclair. Dylan Thomas had died in 1953 aged 39. When I was studying at NIDA, whilst, with my class, performing the whole of…

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No Way to Treat a Lady

Darlinghurst Theatre Company presents NO WAY TO TREAT A LADY -The Musical, at the Darlinghurst Theatre. NO WAY TO TREAT A LADY – the Musical. Book, Music and Lyrics by Douglas J Cohen. Based on the novel by William Goldman was first performed in 1987 and was revived off-Broadway in 1996. The novel apparently is a gently comic riff inspired by the Boston Strangler case written by Mr Goldman (Screenplays: BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID(1966); MARATHON MAN (1976); ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN (1976); THE PRINCESS BRIDE (1987); MISERY (1990) under the pseudonym of Harry Longbaugh (the real name of…

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10,000 Beers

  Darlinghurst Theatre Company Presents 10,000 BEERS by Alex Broun at the Darlinghurst Theatre. For 10,000 BEERS by Alex Broun, the work, direction by Lee Lewis is most accomplished. In fact, the degree of perspicacity that Ms Lewis has, and is developing, evolving, in all things theatrical, is brought to bear in this work on the stage at the Darlinghurst Theatre. A play that deals with an intensely masculine ‘tradition’ of an end of season alcohol binge, ‘pub crawl’ over a weekend for football players is skilfully brought to realisation with wonderful, imaginative, theatrical resources by Ms Lewis. It seems…

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