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Peer Gynt

A month and a few more weeks ago at the RSL Club in Paddington, Endangered Productions under the Direction of Christine Logan, 80, or so, performers took a curtain call which was enthusiastically given by an audience who had just witnessed an Australian first: a presentation of a performance (edited) of the play PEER GYNT (1867), by Hendrick Ibsen, Translated by May-Brit Akerholt, with the incidental music by Edvard Greig (1876) under the Direction of Peter Alexander. Meanwhile, the Sydney Theatre Company (STC), Sydney’s Leading company and, arguably, Australia’s leading theatre company, were showing their adaptation of Anne Bronte’s only…

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Giving Up The Ghost

Pop Up Theatre presents, GIVING UP THE GHOST, by Rivka Hartman, in the Limelight Theatre on Oxford, Oxford St., Darlinghurst. 17th October – 3 November. GIVING UP THE GHOST, is a new Australian play, by Rivka Hartman. A husband (Chris Orchard) is dead and in a coffin at home. His wife (Elaine Hudson) is preparing for the mourning. Her daughter (Madeline Withington) has the option of a bright future in research at a University but is caught up in a relationship with a wealthy distractor (Andrew Wang). Neither parent are happy about this. The wife conjures the spirit of the…

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Vice – Private School Scandal

Photo by Thomas Adams Emu Productions presents VICE – Private School Scandal. A New play by Melvyn Morrow, at the King Street Theatre, Newtown, April 21 – May 9. In the present fetid political climate, maybe, overheated by the media in its rush to find ‘villains’ and ‘victims’, to entertain our appetites for the moral humiliation of others, with the official exposure and investigation of child abuse in Australian schools and institutions, Melvyn Morrow’s new play, VICE – Private School Scandal, attempts to bring some easeful and apt sense to our being more circumspect, and even patient, for that need…

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Vincent River

    Hot Seat, ROAR Theatre and 2SER in association with the Tamarama Rock Surfers present the Australian Premiere of VINCENT RIVER by Philip Ridley at The Old Fitzroy Theatre. Philip Ridley a playwright, film maker, children’s novelist and artist/photographer in an interview was asked about a scrapbook collection of photographs of his that is famously “notorious”. Mr Ridley comments that there are “more severed heads than pansies…. more severed heads than kittens in boots” in it. Mr Ridley’s most famous and notorious play is MERCURY FUR, which had a season several years ago at the SBW Stables Theatre, is…

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