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The Birthday Boys

  ION NIBIRU supported by The NIDA Springboard program present THE BIRTHDAY BOYS. A play by Aaron Kozak in the Parade Studio, Parade Theatres, Kensington. THE BIRTHDAY BOYS is a new USA play (2010) by a young writer, Aaron Kozak. It’s preoccupation deals with the hyper boredom of a group of soldiers on  an army base. Three soldiers are dragged into a room, blindfolded and bound, hand and foot. We see these young men in a dazed and dangerous imprisonment act-out a scenario of personal blame, reprisal and fantasy whilst awaiting the outcome of their capture. Finally they meet an…

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Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me

  Ion Nibiru presents Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me by Frank McGuinness at The Pact Theatre. “Ion Nibiru is a new production company dedicated to breaking the mould and offering fresh perspectives in creative enterprises. Co-founded by Rod Byrnes and Ray Sullivan…. along with Zac Jardine and a working relationship with Production Company Darqhorse (headed by John Ma)”. They state later in their program notes, “It is not a different direction; rather, an alternate perspective.” Frank McGuinness is an Irish playwright whose most recent work, GRETA GARBO COMES TO DONNEGAL, has just opened in London (January). Besides his own plays…

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