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Before Lysistrata

Photo by Zaina Ahmed Montague Basement in association with bAKEHOUSE Theatre presents, BEFORE LYSISTRATA, by Ellana Costa, at the Kings Cross Theatre (KXT), Kings Cross Hotel, 11 – 22 July. BEFORE LYSISTRATA is a new Australian play, by Ellana Costa, presented by a dedicated young company of artists, Montague Basement. LYSISTRATA, a play by Aristophanes, written in 411 BC, tells of the women of Athens and Sparta who decided to withhold sexual activity until their men gave up a war and made peace. BEFORE LYSISTRATA, is a contemporary prequel by Ellana Costa, a speculative fiction presenting the journey of the…

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Julius Caesar

SYDNEY UNIVERSITY DRAMA SOCIETY (SUDS) presents William Shakespeare’s JULIUS CAESAR provided by University of Sydney Union in The Cellar Theatre, Science Road, Sydney University. Sydney University Drama Society presents William Shakespeare’s JULIUS CAESAR. This is one of many productions of JULIUS CAESAR that I have seen in recent years. “Metellus Cimber kneels before Caesar begging the repeal of his brother’s banishment. … Brutus, with a kiss that reminds us more of Judas than of Brutus, … seconds the petition … Caesar, refusing … The moment has come. Casca stabs him from behind, the others follow, Brutus significantly, striking last. “Et tu,…

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