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The Long Way Home

  Photo by Lisa Tomasetti Sydney Theatre Company and The Australian Defence Force present THE LONG WAY HOME by Daniel Keene at the Sydney Theatre. “July 2011. I am sitting in a small room in a special wing of a private hospital in Melbourne. It’s a psychiatric ward. The nurses tell me when to shower and when to eat and they watch me as I take my medication. In the corridor a bedraggled woman, a fellow patient, tells me casually that she likes to cut herself–I’ve no idea how to respond. I’m told I’ll be here for a week. My overwhelming…

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Girl in Tan Boots

Photo by Patrick Boland Collide and Griffin Independent present the World Premiere of GIRL IN TAN BOOTS by Tahli Corin at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross. Some girls in an office, take ‘pity’ on one of their workmates, who has no apparent boyfriend, who wears tan boots, and send a post to an internet site in a throw away newspaper (aka Mx), an invitation for GIRL IN TAN BOOTS to meet an admirer, MAN IN GREY SUIT, on an innercity railway platform for a ‘date’. The girl wearing her tan boots does so, and disappears. Disappears altogether. The police…

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The New Electric Ballroom

  Siren Theatre Co and Griffin Independent present the Sydney Premiere of THE NEW ELECTRIC BALLROOM by Enda Walsh at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross. The Irish gift of the ‘gab’ is once more on display in Enda Walsh’s THE NEW ELECTRIC BALLROOM at the Griffin Independent Theatre and Siren Theatre Co’s Sydney premiere presentation of this play. Words, words, words. None of these characters are shy with language. Talk, talk and more talk. It is even remarked upon by the characters in the play!!! In an Irish tradition that harks back to Oscar Wilde, the inimitable Mr George…

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“Oh I love the world! I love love love love the world.” Later. “I love the world. I know how that sounds, inexcusable and vague, but it’s all I can say for myself, I love the world, really I do….. LOVE” Later still… “The dust of Kabul’s blowing soil smarts lightly in my eyes, but I love her, for knowledge and love both come from her dust.” Homebody speaks to us for almost 40 minutes. She then disappears and her knowledge and love become part of the dust of Kabul and Mr Kushner leaves one with ones eyes smarting lightly…

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