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Don’t Look Away presents ROOTED by Alex Buzo in the Parade Studio, in the Parade Theatres, Kensington. Alex Buzo was an Australian artist in the vanguard of the Australian cultural ‘revolution’ of the late sixties. His play NORM AND AHMED (1968), directed by Jim Sharman for the Old Tote Theatre Company, became a sensational event, as it explored racism in the Australian context. The subsequent court cases of ‘obscenity’ around this play became a test case in the battles about censorship in this volatile youth inspired time (Whitlam’s government elected in this growing fervour, it seems), propelled Mr Buzo into…

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The Birthday Boys

  ION NIBIRU supported by The NIDA Springboard program present THE BIRTHDAY BOYS. A play by Aaron Kozak in the Parade Studio, Parade Theatres, Kensington. THE BIRTHDAY BOYS is a new USA play (2010) by a young writer, Aaron Kozak. It’s preoccupation deals with the hyper boredom of a group of soldiers on  an army base. Three soldiers are dragged into a room, blindfolded and bound, hand and foot. We see these young men in a dazed and dangerous imprisonment act-out a scenario of personal blame, reprisal and fantasy whilst awaiting the outcome of their capture. Finally they meet an…

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NIDA presents MINCED, A DOUBLE BILL: BLESSED ARE THE WILD and TICK TACK BOOM in the NIDA Parade Studio. “MINCED is a new NIDA initiative for performing artists encouraging them to take risks with their chosen forms of expression.” Two recent graduates from the NIDA Directing Course, Paige Rattray and Nikola Amanovic (both 2009), auditioned a collective of performing artists across many skills, ages and backgrounds: actors, dancers, musicians. In the first piece by Ms Rattray some 26 artists volunteered their time and skills. Mr Amanovic involved some 12 performers. Enthusiasm galore. First, BLESSED ARE THE WILD. Ms Rattray inspired…

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