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Brett and Wendy

BRETT AND WENDY – A Love Story Bound By Art, is a performance piece Created by Director, Designer Kim Carpenter, the Artistic Director of The Theatre of Image, which is celebrating its 30th Anniversary year. Says, Mr Carpenter in his program notes: “I created this script like a collage, gathering material from interviews, conversations, books, observations and personal experiences and curated them into a form as ‘I can see’”. The work attempts to explore the biographical journey of artist Brett Whitely from that of the boy, to the teenager, the student, the man, the family man, the world traveller, the…

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I Love You Now

  Darlinghurst Theatre Company presents, I LOVE YOU NOW, by Jeanette Cronin, at the Eternity Playhouse, Burton St, Darlinghurst. 9 June – 9 July. I LOVE YOU NOW is a new Australian play by Jeanette Cronin, for two actors, Jeanette Cronin and Paul Gleeson, Directed by Kim Hardwick, Designed by Isabel Hudson with a Lighting Design by Martin Kinnane supported by Co-Composers and Sound Designers, Max Lambert and Roger Lock. Leo (Paul Gleeson) and June (Jeanette Cronin) have loved each other. Says Ms Hardwick in her Director’s notes: I LOVE YOU NOW is, at heart, the exploration of a deeply…

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Small and Tired

Belvoir presents SMALL AND TIRED by Kit Brookman in the Downstairs Theatre at Belvoir St Theatre, Surry Hills. SMALL AND TIRED by Kit Brookman is a new Australian play about family. About family and the secrets of families. About the individuals that make up a family. About the secrets of each of the individuals that make up that family. The son (Luke Mullins) returns home after a long self-exile to arrange his father’s – an ex-army officer’s, – funeral. His estranged mother (Sandy Gore) has been reluctant, and his emotionally disturbed sister (Susan Prior) is unable. The internal politics of…

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