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Richard 3

  Bell Shakespeare present, RICHARD 3, by William Shakespeare, in the Playhouse Theatre, at the Sydney Opera House. 25 February – 1st April. RICHARD III is a play written by William Shakespeare c. 1592, early in his career. The Bell Shakespeare present at the Sydney Opera House RICHARD 3,  a dramaturgical collaboration between Director, Peter Evans and actor Kate Mulvany using the Shakespeare original. The play has been hand-crafted with this actor and company in mind, it seems. This is their third collaboration, JULIUS CAESAR and MACBETH, being the previous two. Kate Mulvany is also playing this Richard 3, and…

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Photo by Daniel Boud Bell Shakespeare presents, OTHELLO, by William Shakespeare, in the Playhouse, at the Sydney Opera House, 24 October – 4 December. OTHELLO is a riveting play. A play concerning the plot of a man who outwardly seems a charming man – a flower external that has a serpent beneath. Of a man who has no conscience at all. A man who takes the witnessing audience into his confidence and shows us a duplicity so heinous, wicked and clever that we cannot look away. It is Iago and we step willingly onto the roller-coaster of his doings and…

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Bell Shakespeare presents PHEDRE by Jean Racine, in a new version by Ted Hughes, in the Playhouse, at the Sydney Opera House. PHEDRE by Jean Racine. The body of the story in this play has its origins from the time of the fountainhead of the flowering of Athens and its peoples, the fifth century BCE, who were describing a totally new conception of human life, and showed, for the first time, what the human mind was for. “The Greek legacy”, says Peter Watson in his book, Ideas: A History from Fire to Freud, “is the greatest the world has yet…

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  Sydney Theatre Company presents PYGMALION by George Bernard Shaw at the Sydney Theatre. What is best about this production of PYGMALION by George Bernard Shaw is the opportunity to hear and see this text by one of the great writer’s for the theatre. I believe it is the first time that I have seen or heard it on the stage. Read it, of course, many times and know the beautifully bowdlerised version of it called MY FAIR LADY both on stage and film. In this production by Peter Evans for the Sydney Theatre Company, a production conceived with an…

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Julius Caesar

  Bell Shakespeare present JULIUS CAESAR by William Shakespeare at the Playhouse, Sydney Opera House. Dear Diary, I am going to fulminate. William Shakespeare’s JULIUS CAESAR has been adapted for the Bell Shakespeare Company by playwright/actress Kate Mulvany with the Director, Peter Evans. Ms Mulvany makes a confession in her program notes that “Until this time last year, JULIUS CAESAR was not a play that I held close. Like many others, it was ‘that play about war and men and togas and speeches’ “. Well to be pedantic, there are only three others like it, in the Shakespeare canon, that…

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Life Without Me

    Melbourne Theatre Company in association with Melbourne International Arts Festival presents LIFE WITHOUT ME by Daniel Keene in the Sumner Theatre, Melbourne. Being a Sydney-ite I have had a relatively limited experience of Daniel Keene’s work. However, the work, that I have seen, has always attracted my attention, and the reputation talked about in the program notes as ‘some sort of poet of the streets’ seems to be a good summary of my appreciation. With, the, generally, marginal characters that people his work, the poetry of his vison, expressed in his texts, is always subtle but beguiling. The…

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