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Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo

  Mad March Hare Theatre in association with Red Line Production present, BENGAL TIGER AT THE BAGHDAD ZOO, at the Old Fitz Theatre, in Cathedral St, Woolloomooloo. 12 April – 6 May. An Easter Saturday night opening at the Old Fitz. And what an opening. BENGAL TIGER AT THE BAGHDAD ZOO, by Rajiv Joseph, presented by a young Independent Company, Mad March Hare Theatre, Directed by Claudia Barrie, was an unexpected pleasure. One of the highest order. On the eve of the celebration of the Resurrection of the Christ of the Christian faith – a faith that has, for me,…

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Gruesome Playground Injuries

  The King Collective present Lepidoptera: An Exploration of Youth as part of Sydney Fringe 2014: GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES by Rajiv Joseph at the Downstairs Tap Gallery, Darlinghurst. 23-28 September. GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES (October, 2009), by American playwright, Rajiv Joseph is the third play of The King Collective Sydney Fringe 2014, contribution. It is written for two characters: Kayleen (Megan McGlinchey) and Doug (Aaron Glenane), and spread over the course of thirty years, from their age of 8 to 38, in eight scenes, but not in chronological order. We observe them flitting in and out of each others lives at…

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