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The Misanthrope

Photo by Brett Boardman Bell Shakespeare in association with Griffin Theatre Company present THE MISANTHROPE, by Moliere. A new version by Justin Fleming. In The Playhouse, at the Sydney Opera House. 28th August – 28th September. Justin Fleming has created a new, Australian version of Moliere’s LE MISANTHROPE. Lee Lewis has Directed it. This is the fourth Translation/Adadptation of a Moliere play that we have seen from Mr Fleming: TARTUFFE or THE HYPOCRITE, THE SCHOOL FOR WIVES and THE LITERATI – and there is another one coming next year, THE MISER, with John Bell. Lee Lewis has Directed three of these works. Peter Evans,…

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Sydney Opera House present, Jakob Ahlbom’s HORROR, in the Drama Theatre, at the Sydney Opera House. 28th August – 2nd September. Olivia Ansell, the Head of Contemporary Performance Sydney Opera House, has curated HORROR, a work by Jakob Ahlbom , which she says … was the cult hit of the London International Mime Festival, before taking Europe by storm.’ This production has promised us that this stage show will help us ‘remember the first time we experienced sheer terror … with classic films like THE POLTERGEIST and THE EXORCIST ensuring young people never slept without a night light. The hype…

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Sydney Comedy Festival Gala

Sydney Comedy Festival, presents the SYDNEY COMEDY FESTIVAL GALA, in the Concert Hall, at the Sydney Opera House. 23rd April. Oh, whoo! Taken to the Opera House by a friend to attend a night of stand-up comedy. The Sydney Comedy month long Festival has begun. This GALA hosted by American/Irish comedian, Des Bishop, introduced us to another 15 comedians who delivered 5 minutes or so, of their material. It was like being served a degustation of laughs in a swanky restaurant. The Hall was packed. It was a very interesting crowd. Lots and lots of young people and some elderlies.…

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Gripping Shostakovitch

Sydney Symphony Orchestra present GRIPPING SHOSTAKOVITCH, in the Concert Hall, at the Sydney Opera House. 15 November, 17 November and 18 November. I was taken to the GRIPPING SHOSTAKOVITCH concert by a dear friend. It was made up by the Cello Concerto No.1 in E flat major, Op.107 and the mighty, gripping, Symphony No. 8 in C minor, Op.65, conducted by Vladimir Ashkenazy, in the Concert Hall, at the Sydney Opera House. I am a relative ‘babe in the woods’ in my knowledge of music. However, I have, in my blissful ignorance, come to believe that Shostakovich is the GREAT…

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The Merchant of Venice

Photo by Prudence Upton Bell Shakespeare present THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, by William Shakespeare, in the Playhouse Theatre, at the Sydney Opera House. Until 26 November. I went to see this Bell Shakespeare production of THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, Directed by Anne-Louise Sarks, on the favourable ‘word-of-mouth’ I had, mostly, received from friends, who, like me, had had a very dispiriting experience with their production of OTHELLO***, last year, and, of course, because of my continuing interest in this very vexing play. Vexing? Says Norrie Epstein in his book THE FRIENDLY SHAKESPEARE: THE MERCHANT OF VENICE  is a troubling play.…

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Photo by Prudence Upton Midnight Feast presents, CHRYSALIS,  a self-devised work, written by Stephen Sewell, Emily Dash and Warwick Allsopp, in The Studio, at the Sydney Opera House. Thursday, November 16 and Friday, November 17, 2017. CHRYSALIS is a work devised from the stories and world of a group of actors with disabilities. The Company, Midnight Feast, was inspired by Glenn Turnbull, a profoundly physically disabled man, and his interest in why ‘people routinely ignore him’ and by ‘a social media video posted by Glenn’s sister Hayley expressing her heartbreak and frustration after a doctor questioned the sense in undertaking…

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