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Steve Reich in Residence: A Celebration

  Sydney Opera House presents THE COMPOSERS: STEVE REICH IN RESIDENCE. A Celebration with Synergy Percussion and eighth blackbird in the Concert Hall at the Sydney Opera House. STEVE REICH IN RESIDENCE is part of the Sydney Opera House entrepreneurial development wing program. It is presented under the title: THE COMPOSERS and is curated by Yarmila Alfonzetti, the Producer, Classical Music, Sydney Opera House. A CELEBRATION is one of three public events that were presented. During the week there had been an IN CONVERSATION with Mr Reich, and, on the same day as A CELEBRATION, there had been a CHAMBER…

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Synergy Percussion – Steve Reich

    SYNERGY PERCUSSION present STEVE REICH AT City Recital Hall Angel Place, Sydney. (Associated Event of the ISCM World New Music days). Steve Reich is internationally, along with Philip Glass, one of the outstanding contemporary composers of today. “Our greatest living composer’’- The New York Times”…the most original musical thinker of our time” – The New Yorker. “There’s just a handful of living composers who can legitimately claim to have altered the direction of musical history and Steve Reich is one of them” – The Guardian. My consciousness of him is fairly recent – the last decade, perhaps. But,…

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