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Way to Heaven

    RIDE ON and GRIFFIN INDEPENDENT presents WAY TO HEAVEN by Juan Mayorga, translated by David Johnston at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross. WAY TO HEAVEN introduces the Sydney audience to an award winning Spanish contemporary playwright, Juan Mayorga. It is an interesting introduction and one that raises my curiosity about his other work. This is a good reason to go to the theatre to meet this mind. Another good reason to go is to catch a performance by an emerging young artist, Nathan Lovejoy that is fascinating and seductive to behold. This play (translated by David Johnston)…

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Under Ice

  Spiky Red Things and the Griffin Independent present UNDER ICE by Falk Richter. Translated by David Tushingham at the SBW Stables Theatre. UNDER ICE was written by Falk Richter (and translated by David Tushingham) in 2004 (and) “is the second play of a four-part play cycle by Falk Richter titled THE SYSTEM: [Electronic City (2002); Seven Seconds/In God We Trust (2003); Hotel Palestine.]. His inspiration for the cycle came in response to Germany’s chancellor Schrooder, justifying his support for the war in Afghanistan by saying, “We are defending our way of living there in this war.” So Richter began…

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