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Quick & Dirty

Performance Space present QUICK & DIRTY at Carriageworks. Curated by Vic Spence, Mat Hornby, Matt Stegh and Justin Shoulder.   Last year through the auspices and industry of the Performance Space (and presumably Fiona Winning) a program called QUICK & DIRTY was put together. From what I can gather there had been once a regular presentation of this “work” but it had fallen off the “map”. Victoria Spence was invited to curate it. It was an unqualified success. So this year the project was blocked into the Performance Space output again – much credit to them.   The work presented…

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PERFORMANCE SPACE present MONUMENTAL, ROS WARBY at Carriageworks. “MONUMENTAL is Roz Warby’s critically acclaimed solo dance work, developed in collaboration with her long standing artistic team, designer Margie Medlin and composer Helen Mountford. It premiered at the Melbourne International Arts Festival in October 2006 and received the Age Critics Commendation Award, Greenroom Awards for Best Female Dancer and Best Composition, and the Robert Helpmann Award for Best Female Dancer in a Ballet or Dance Work.” On a screen are projected pre-existing vintage film images of bird life intermixed with motion graphics of the dancer herself. Accompanied by a beautifully apt…

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On the card used for publicity it states “TRIPTYCH examines three elements-air, electricity and water-through dance, sonic and visual structures.” In the program notes “Our global respiration draws from air and water that has existed for 4.5 billion years. Our first and last breath define a human cycle; the water implicit within our bodies is a necessity for all known carbon based life; whilst the electrical sparks of the synapses which link us to the electric sheath and circuitry that kickstarts and maintains life processes, must be present for any of our “thoughts” to take place.” De Quincey Co is…

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I paid up my $50 to become a member and join in the exploration of a season “of intimate events in and around the vast spaces of Carriageworks.” 50 bucks well spent. It is a bit like having a degustation at a restaurant. Some of it is great, layered with sensations, some of it is unpalatable but all of it is interesting even in the negatives. It is an adventure. Congratulations to Fiona Winning and her team and guests/artists. I saw DUAL on the Friday night. A piece of dance by Nalina Wait. This was a nicely conceived work. The…

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In my review of Pacitti’s last offer CIVIL, as the opening performance in this festival of LIVEWORKS by the Performance Space at Carriageworks, I was being as “civil” as possible. I was, gently, in retrospect, being as politic as possible and therefore relatively generous about what I perceived as essentially a very bland and experientially dull and disappointing work. It was as the creator warned us in his program notes twelve years old. I gave it a respect for it had a sense of a past time and “history” and felt that it may serve as an introduction to the…

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CIVIL was first created in 1996 as a five person piece but evolved into a solo work for the director Robert Pacitti which he then performed until 2003 when it the was re-committed to Richard Eton (Dicky). Richard Pacitti is a guest artist at the LIVEWORKS Festival for Performance Space over the next two weeks. He is creating with Australian Artists a project: FINALE which will be premiered next Friday the 5th of September for three performances. Richard Pacitti is the Artistic Director of Pacitti Company and creator of the SPILL Festival Of Performance-London’s premier biennale of experimental theatre and…

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