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Sunburnt Country

  Marney McQueen presents SUNBURNT COUNTRY starring Rosa the Russian Beautician and Friends, written by Marney McQueen and Tim Bain, at Slide, Oxford St. Darlinghurst. Friday night I was whisked off by Daniel Scott to see a one night stand at the Slide Cabaret venue in Oxford Street – Marney McQueen in a show called SUNBURNT COUNTRY. I had not planned it, but it was a great way to finish the week. Marney McQueen has been seen in the musical PRISCILLA, QUEEN of the DESERT and recently in HAIRSPRAY in Sydney and elsewhere. This triple threat, actor-singer-dancer has, however, not…

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Fat Swan

  Showqueen Productions presents FAT SWAN – An Adults Only Christmas Panto at the Reginald Theatre, Seymour Centre. “Showqueen”, “Fat Swan”, “Adults Only Christmas Panto” are all clues and concepts to the boisterous, ridiculous, rough and ready, vulgarity that one can catch at the Seymour Centre in FAT SWAN. Trevor Ashley and Phil Scott found inspiration from the psychological thriller film event of this/last year, BLACK SWAN, by Darren Aronofsky, starring Natalie Portman, and have gleefully, but, for my expectation and money, too superficially, parodied and crammed into the form of the classic Christmas Panto format a show called FAT…

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Paul Dainty, Dainty Consolidated Entertainment & Joel Pearlman, Roadshow Live present HAIRSPRAY at the Princess Theatre, Melbourne. Two quotes found in the program: “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”. Dr. Seuss. “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty of the bad people but the silence over that by the good people”. Martin Luther King Jnr. These two men, Dr Seuss and Dr King, and their quotes encapsulate the joy and the serious intent of this absolutely fun show, HAIRSPRAY. Based on the 1988…

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I’m Every Woman

Sydney Opera House present TREVOR ASHLEY in “I’M EVERY WOMAN”, at the Studio venue. RAVE. RAVE.RAVE. This will be a rave. Trevor Ashley in a spectacular cabaret performance with a number of wigs and a few costume changes delivers musical impressions of twelve divas that he has loved all his life. He has a most wonderful voice full of remarkable flexibility, power and range. To compliment that he has the skill, intelligence and wit to use it well to entertain you, and to stun you into belief into the ‘channelling’ of these women’s talents and spirit. With a glamorous make-up,…

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