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The Westlands

Weatherboard Theatre Co and True West Theatre, present THE WESTLANDS by Dale Turner in the Rafferty’s Theatre at Riverside, Parramatta. THE WESTLANDS by Dale Turner opens with a community response to a bushfire alert in the Westlands. It was a sobering beginning to this performance in Parramatta, considering it was last Thursday, the 17th of October, and New South Wales, and the greater spread around the City of Sydney was dealing with one of the worst fire alarms in its history. We could see the smoke plume from the Mountain fires, trailing across the sky outside, through the windows. We…

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The Grief Parlour

TRUE WEST THEATRE PRESENTS THE GRIEF PARLOUR by Clockfire Theatre at the Riverside Theatres, Parramatta. THE GRIEF PARLOUR is a new work devised by Clockfire Theatre Company – a creative ensemble – this work includes the three core members of the group, who have been producing work over the past  year or so, and last year had a residency at the Old 505 Theatre in Surry Hills: Emily Ayoub, Gareth Rickards and Kate Worsley. For this project, exceptionally, they invited two other actors in: Roderic Byrnes and Anna Martin; a Writer: Jessica Bellamy; a Director, Jo Turner; and a Composer,…

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