War Of The Roses – Another point of view
Alison Croggon has posted a very exciting review of WAR OF THE ROSES including her thoughts on the existence of the Actors Company. It’s a great read. CLICK HERE TO READ ALISON CROGGON’S THEATRE NOTES
Alison Croggon has posted a very exciting review of WAR OF THE ROSES including her thoughts on the existence of the Actors Company. It’s a great read. CLICK HERE TO READ ALISON CROGGON’S THEATRE NOTES
MOVING TARGETS by Marius von Mayenburg (translated by Maja Zade) was developed from scratch with the director Benedict Andrews over several years of collaboration, since 2005, with 6 hand picked Australian actors. From discussions the actors were given “a book called THE SECRET PROJECT”, which was the source of company discussions and improvisations etc. What was intriguing for me was the fact that this work of Mr Andrews was to be around an original work developed by him with a living and present writer. I have been puzzled by the other work of Mr Andrews for many years, and the…